Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria) publishes original, unpublished articles including Research Papers, Research Notes, Essays and Literature Reviews in English. All articles are subject to a peer review process by a committee of at least two expert referees who are appointed by the Editorial Board. The editors of Ciencia e Investigación Agraria have the right to accept or reject an article.
All articles must be prepared in accordance with the standards of the journal, which are in accordance with those described by the Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies. The pages and lines must be numbered. Tables and figures should be included on separate pages at the end of the manuscript or preferably as separate files. For information on formatting tables and figures, please check the latest issues of International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria) online.
Fees of publication: The cost of publication for articles submitted to the journal is USD $ 40 per page, excluding taxes (MS Word file of submitted document, excluding pages of figures and tables), with a maximum of 6,000 words for research papers and notes and a maximum of 12,000 words for review papers and essays. There are no other fees.
International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources does not offer reprints of published articles. Figures and photographs in color are welcomed at no extra cost.
Title: Every article should include a brief, self-explanatory title that represents the article’s content and facilitates indexing the article. The title should be centered on the first page of the manuscript, using upper- and lowercase letters. For examples of the appropriate style, see the latest issue of International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria) online.
Authors and affiliation: Authors and co-authors should include their full first names, middle name initials and last names followed by their institution(s) and addresses. When there are two or more authors from the same institutions, use superscripts (numbers only) to indicate the affiliation of each author. Corresponding author should be indicated as a footnote at the bottom of the page.
Abstract:Indicate authors and co-authors at the beginning of the abstract, followed by the year, the title of the article and the abbreviated name of the journal (Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour). All abstracts should be a summarized version of the manuscript that is fewer than 250 words. Abstract should contain a brief introduction, explanation of objectives, description of how the study was performed, the significance of the results and conclusions.
Key words: Indicate fewer than seven key words other than those that appear in the title.
References: The references section should list source references alphabetically by first author's last name followed by author’s initials, year, article title, journal name, volume, colon and first and last pages separated by a hyphen. Since November 2016, at the end of each reference listed you must include the DOI code of the article (i.e. DOI: 10.4067/s0718-16202016000200004).
For examples of other types of references, please see the latest issues of International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria) online.
All references must be cited in the body of the paper using the author(s) last name(s) followed by the year of publication, from the oldest to the most recent reference (e.g., Cáceres, 1999; Del Pozo and Engler, 2011). For references with more than three authors, indicate the first author followed by “et al.” in italics and year of publication (e.g., Caceres et al., 2001).
Length: The maximum length of Research Papers should be 6,000 words (including up to four Tables and/or four Figures). The maximum length for research notes is 6,000 words (including up to two Tables and/or two Figures), Research Notes. Essays or Literature Reviews may be up to 12,000 words. All submissions must be double-spaced in Arial 11pt. or Times New Roman 12pt. font.
Submission: All manuscripts are submitted electronically through the online platform of this journal at
Research Papers
A Research Paper is an original article that contains results of laboratory, greenhouse or field investigations. All Research Papers must contribute new scientific or technological information to the manuscript’s subject matter.
The manuscript should include a title, author name(s) and institution(s), an Abstract (fewer than 250 words), Key words (fewer than seven), Introduction, a Materials and Methods section, a Results section, a Discussion, Acknowledgements (optional), a Spanish-language summary (i.e., Resumen) (fewer than 250 words in Spanish), Spanish-language keywords (i.e., Palabras clave) (fewer than seven words in Spanish) and References (only cited references). Manuscripts should contain all of the information required to assess the state of the existing literature in the field, methodology, results and discussion. In addition, the information contained must enable readers to assess whether the authors have discussed their results adequately in relation to the existing literature and whether the results justify and support the conclusions of the study.
The maximum length of Research Papers should be 6,000 words (including up to four Tables and/or four Figures), and up to 25 scientific references.
Introduction: The Introduction should be fewer than three pages, and it should include a brief statement indicating the significance of the study, describing the existing literature in the field. The last paragraph of the Introduction should clearly indicate the specific objectives of the research.
Materials and methods: In the Materials and methods section, please provide sufficient information that enables readers to assess how the study was conducted as well as the relevance and repeatability of the results. Field experiments must be repeated more than once and/or in more than one place before publication. The Materials and methods must include a full description of the techniques, analysis, instruments, important materials, measurements, evaluation procedures and software used in the study. The description of the experimental design should clearly indicate the randomization process, number of replicates and experimental units. This description should also indicate the statistical procedures used to determine significance, data transformations used, and the level of probability to determine significance. The experimental design and statistical analysis should be explained, preferably as a last subchapter of the Materials and methods section.
Results: The results section should meet each of the criteria detailed in the description of the Materials and methods section. Results must be supported by tables and/or figures and properly supported by statistical analyses as necessary, indicating the variability and the level of significance (e.g., P≤0.05). Tables and figures that repeat results are superfluous. Avoid publishing results that are not supported statistically.
Discussion: In this section, authors should relate their results to the original objectives of the study, indicating the new scientific and/or technological contributions of the study, preferably in the first paragraph. The results must be interpreted in light of the knowledge about the subject of the investigation, be viewed against the cited existing literature, and must highlight the similarities and differences. Explain the methodological difficulties and the possible lack of correlation of results with previously published information. In addition, identify potential new areas for further research. The conclusions of the study should be included in the final paragraph of the Discussion section. Conclusions should be supported by the results and statistical analysis.
Research Notes
A Research Note is a short scientific or technological article that describes the results of a complete investigation. Preliminary results are not suitable for publication as a Research Note in International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia e Investigación Agraria). Content should be organized in a similar way to the organization of Research Papers.
The maximum length for Research Notes is 6,000 words (including up to two Tables and/or two Figures), and up 15 scientific references.
Literature Review
A Literature Review article is a critical review of the scientific literature of a subject in which authors provide a synthesis of existing knowledge and discuss the research published on key points of the subject matter. A Literature Review article should include the most important findings and theoretical considerations on a specific topic that have been published during the last ten years. Therefore, these manuscripts should cite more than 100 scientific references published in major journals on the subject matter. Be aware that Literature Review articles do not report new findings, and it is preferable that authors have previously published studies on the same topic as the Literature Review.
The maximum length for Literature Review is up to 12,000 words.
International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources (formerly Ciencia and Investigación Agraria) publishes Essay articles on topics within the scope of the journal. An Essay is an article in which authors develop and defend a thesis on the basis of their opinions, in concordance with the existing literature and with relevant research that the authors have previously conducted. Therefore, it is preferable that authors of an Essay have previously published scientific articles.
The maximum length for Essay is up to 12,000 words.