Table of Contents
Research Paper
Performance of confined and grazing lambs fed diets with different mineral-concentrate supplements
Aderbal Silva, Leilson Bezerra, Sara Rufino, José Filho, Juliana Freire, Divan da Silva, Rolando Oliveira, Geraldo Bayão
Effects of ractopamine plus amino acids on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and ractopamine residues of finishing pigs
Claudia Elmes, Ociel Bustamante, Fernando González, Rafael Larraín, Mónica Gandarillas
The forage yield of Gliricidia sepium during the rainy and dry seasons following pruning management in Brazil
Ricardo Edvan, Maria Carneiro, João Magalhães, Daiane Albuquerque, Mickson Silva, Leilson Bezerra, Ronaldo Oliveira, Edson Santos
Genesis and identity of Chanco cheese (Chile 1750-1860). A contribution to studies on Appellations of Origin in Latin America
Pablo Lacoste, Diego Jiménez, Natalia Soto
Characterization of cheese consumers in Santiago Province, Chile
Einar Vargas-Bello-Pérez, Claudio Aguilar, Paula Toro-Mujica, Raúl Vera, Matías Cerda, Ignacio Briones
Spatial variability of soil chemical attributes and productivity and the chemical and physical properties of oranges
Rafaela Nicolau, Erivelto Mercante, Marcio Maggi, Eduardo de Souza, Eloi Gasparin
Partial inhibition of flowering in young highbush blueberries with gibberellins
William Lindberg, Eric Hanson, Gustavo Lobos
Influence of long-chain fatty acids on weight gain of Hylastinus obscurus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Dayand Toledo, Leonardo Parra, Ana Mutis, Fernando Ortega, Emilio Hormazábal, Andrés Quiroz
Effectiveness of isofetamid, a new succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide, in the control of grapevine gray mold
Carlos Piqueras, Bernardo Latorre, René Torres
Effects of wine grape cultivar, application conditions and the winemaking process on the dissipation of six pesticides
Claudio Alister, Manuel Araya, Jose Morandé, Christian Volosky, Jorge Saavedra, Andrés Cordova, Marcelo Kogan
The importance of weeds as melliferous flora in central Chile
Lissette Grimau, Miguel Gómez, Rodrigo Figueroa, Rodrigo Pizarro, Gabriel Núñez, Gloria Montenegro
Influence of the growing region, quality classification and harvest year on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) index of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon red wines
Raquel Bridi, Sergio Lobato, Camilo López-Alarcón, Eduardo Lissi
Research Notes
Growth, yield and iron deficiency tolerance level of six peach rootstocks grown on calcareous soil
Carlos Sotomayor, Rafael Ruiz, Jorge Castro
Comparison of methods for determining the color of Chilean honeys and the relationship of color with botanical origin in central Chile
María José Martin, Carolina Fredes, Gabriel Nuñez, Rosanna Ginocchio, Gloria Montenegro