Table of Contents
Review Articles
An update on genetically modified crops.
Andrés R. Schwember
Research Paper
Effect of population density on snail productivity (Helix aspersa) in an open sky system fed with Swiss chard and a balanced food supplement.
Olga González, Gladys Pérez Camargo, Macarena Membiela, Diana Frezza, Norberto Bartoloni, Carlos Vieites
Genetic diversity and broad sense heritability in tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum).
Susana M. Pistorale, Liliana A. Abbott, Adriana Andrés
Deep tillage in the no-till system: Effects on the biological condition of the soil.
Claudia Alzugaray, María Sofía Vilche, Cristina Petenello
Populus spp. clonal response of growth in Argiudoll and Hapludoll soils in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Esteban Baridón, Mario Flores Palenzona, Raúl Marlats, Gabriela Senisterra, Guillermo Millán
Use of clinoptilolite as a carrier for nitrogen fertilizers in soils of the Pampean regions of Argentina.
Guillermo Millán, Florencia Agosto, Mabel Vázquez
Survival heritability in 169 families of white grain popcorn: A Bayesian approach.
Marcos de Araújo Rodovalho, Freddy Mora, Elisangela Mendes dos Santos, Carlos Alberto Scapim, Emmanuel Arnhold
Diameter growth models for Austrocedrus chilensis in the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, Chile: A biological interpretation.
Eduardo Navarrete Espinoza, Juan Cárcamo Ojeda, Pablo Novoa Barra
Maturity of Cabernet Sauvignon berries from grapevines grown with two different training systems and environmental conditions in a new grape growing region in Brazil.
Leila D. Falcão, Eduardo S. Chaves, Vivian M. Burin, Ana Paula Falcão, Eliana F. Gris, Valdir Bonin, Marilde T. Bordignon-Luiz
Infuence of size, destination market and month of sale of Chilean avocados: A hedonic approach.
Javier L. Troncoso, Medardo Aguirre, Paula Manriquez, Daniel Mundigo
Effect of Cinara cupressi on Austrocedrus chilensis following chemical control.
Aída Baldini, Juan Oltremari, Astrid Holmgren